Payroll Processing
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Payroll is processed once time reports (also known as time sheets) are received, verified, and billed. If time reports are not handed in on time, SDS cannot bill for the services and will not have money available to pay out to the employee until a later pay date. The following procedures should ensure timely processing of payroll:
Check your employee’s Time Report for accuracy. They must indicate the times of the day worked each day then total for the day worked.
Total the number of hours your employee worked under each pay period prior to submitting the Time Report. This number of hours must not exceed the amount of hours budgeted and authorized by the case manager.
Turn in your employees Time Report by the due date and time. If you have multiple employees, make sure that each of theirs are on-time. If one employee is late, it can impact the entire group for the employer.
Any timesheets received after the noon deadline delays verification and billing, and, therefore, will be processed in the next pay period resulting in a delay of at least one pay date late.
Employees can view their payroll information (check stubs, taxes, etc.) through Paylocity. They can also use Paylocity to enter changes to their payroll information.